Supplementary MaterialsFigure 1source data 1: Features and phenotypes from the enrolled CHARGE individuals, and uncooked data and statistical data of Shape 1

Supplementary MaterialsFigure 1source data 1: Features and phenotypes from the enrolled CHARGE individuals, and uncooked data and statistical data of Shape 1. health supplement 1A. Tabs2: Statistical data of Shape 3figure health supplement 1B. elife-21114-fig3-figsupp1-data1.xlsx (39K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.010 Figure 4source data 1: Natural data and statistical data of Figure 4. Tabs 1: Statistical data of Shape 4C.?a. Statistical data of Shape 4C (remaining). Control (WD39): t?=?0 vs t?=?8 hr. b. Statistical data of Shape 4C (correct). CHARGE (CH1#25): t?=?0 vs t?=?8 hr. c. Statistical data of Shape 4C (remaining and correct). Tabs 2: Statistical data of Shape 4D. Tabs 3: Statistical data of Shape 4F. Tabs 4: Natural data of Shape 4F. N: the amount of neighbouring cells attached using the nine outermost cells in each one of the eight 45 degree-sector of the sphere. White colored columns display the real amount of N?=?0, 1, or? 1 cells per sphere. elife-21114-fig4-data1.xlsx (60K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.012 Figure 5source data 1: Natural data of xCelligence assay of iPSC-NCCs in vitro. Tabs ‘Test 1’ – ‘Test 13’: Uncooked data of migration indexes in each test. Each table inside a sheet displays an independent test. Orange column displays migration index at 20 hr, and can be used for quantitative evaluation in Shape 5C. Tabs 1: Statistical data of Shape 5C. Quantitative evaluation of migration index after 20 hr of monitoring with xCELLigence, normalized towards the control iPSC-NCCs migration index. Tabs 2: Uncooked data and statistical data of Shape 5figure health supplement 1A. Control iPSC-NCCs migration index upon treatment with automobile or aphidicolin for 36 hr. Tabs 3: Uncooked data and statistical data of Shape 5figure health supplement 1B. BrdU assay of CHARGE and control iPSC-NCCs at 24 hr following replating. Tabs 4: Natural data and statistical data of Shape 5figure health supplement 1C. Cell adhesion assay of CHARGE and control Monoisobutyl phthalic acid iPSC-NCCs to fibronectin. elife-21114-fig5-data1.xlsx (268K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.017 Shape 6source data 1: Natural data and statistical data of Shape 6 Tabs 1: Statistical data of Shape 6B.?Typical velocities of migratory iPSC-NCCs assessed by monitoring CHARGE and control iPSC-NCCs for Monoisobutyl phthalic acid 16 hr. Tabs 2: Uncooked data of solitary cell motility evaluation of Monoisobutyl phthalic acid iPSCs-NCCs in vitro. Quantitative evaluation in Shape 6B was determined utilizing the data below. Tabs 3: Statistical data of Shape 6C. Tabs 4: Natural data of solitary cell motility evaluation of iPSCs-NCCs in vitro. Quantitative evaluation in Shape 6C was determined utilizing the data below. elife-21114-fig6-data1.xlsx (349K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.021 Shape 6figure health supplement 1source data 1: Natural data and statistical data YWHAS of Shape 6figure health supplement 1. Tabs 1: Statistical data of Shape 6figure health supplement 1A.?Typical velocities of migratory iPSC-NCCs assessed by monitoring CHARGE and control iPSC-NCCs more than 16 hr. Tabs 2: Uncooked data of solitary cell motility evaluation of iPSCs-NCCs in vitro. Quantitative evaluation in Shape 6figure health supplement 1A was determined utilizing the data below. Tabs 3: Statistical data of Shape 6figure health supplement 1B. Quantitative evaluation from the directionality of migratory iPSC-NCCs monitored. Tabs 4: Natural data of solitary cell motility evaluation of iPSCs-NCCs in vitro. Quantitative evaluation in Shape 6figure health supplement 1B was determined utilizing the data below. elife-21114-fig6-figsupp1-data1.xlsx (284K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.020 Shape 7source data 1: A summary of transplanted cells and ratings. Tabs 1: A summary of transplanted cells and ratings.?Detais from the graph in Shape 7C. Transplanted CHARGE and control cells had been stained with Vybrant DiI or DiO. We transplanted iPSC-NCCs into 93 embryos (HH8-10) altogether, and 17 making it through embryoswere analyzed with this assay. Assessment of the utmost range of Ctrl and CH demonstrates control cells migrated a larger distance from the website of transplant in a few embryos evenly obtained. elife-21114-fig7-data1.xlsx (39K) DOI:?10.7554/eLife.21114.025 Figure 7figure complement 1source data 1: Raw data of Figure 7figure complement 1 Tabs 1: Raw data of Figure.

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